5 Dating Double Standards That Rock

We live in a male dominated society and it’s no wonder many dating double standards benefit men. This is something we as men have to be reminded of because dating isn’t always a walk in the park. If you are more aware of the advantages you have as a man, you can use them to have a more successful dating life.

1. Older Men Are More Attractive Than Older Women
When you think about the factors that determine the attractiveness of a woman, her physical appearance will be near the top of the list. Women peak in physical attractiveness when they are young and slowly become less and less physically attractive when they age. Because physical appearance is such an important factor in determining a woman’s overall attractiveness, it’s no wonder why older women are considered less attractive. You never hear about teenage boys fantasizing about 50 year old women because they simply have less physical beauty than younger women.

Older men on the other hand are considered more attractive and are given more value in today’s culture. Despite their old age, famous actors like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Hugh Jackman are still considered very attractive. Very few, if any, similarly aged female Hollywood stars get nearly as much attention.

When men grow old, they gain in status, experience, wealth, and maturity. Not all, but some men grow in physical attraction, which when combined with increased status, experience, wealth, and maturity can be an irresistible combination to women. The way age affects men is definitely a double standard that rocks.

2. Male Virginity Is Not Worth Keeping
Male virginity has absolutely no value in today’s culture. It’s not something special and it certainly isn’t something worth saving. Both men and women have negative views of male virgins because of their awkwardness, and lack of experience. Although this double standard can be hurtful before you lose your virginity, it makes losing your virginity a piece of cake. There’s no hesitation when you are given their first opportunity to have sex. Because there’s less value attached to male virginity, men can get rid of it without having to really think it over.

3. Men Are Expected To Be The Decision Makers
When you go on a first date with a girl, you’ll likely be the one choosing the activity and calling the shots. It definitely wouldn’t be unusual if you go on a date planned out by a girl, but generally as the man, you are expected to be the decision maker. This same thinking extends to relationships as well. Sure there are exceptions, but the expectation is for men to be the decision makers and leaders. This is a wonderful dating double standard because it entitles you to more control in dating and relationships.

4. Men Are Better Able To Separate Sex And Emotions
If a guy is used for sex and is never called back the next day, he won’t be too upset about it. He might even be relieved to have gotten sex without any strings attached. If a girl is used for sex and is never called back the next day, chances are she will react much differently. This is mainly because men are better able to separate sex and emotions. A study in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy looked into how men and women view sex and emotions. The most revealing discovery was that women found emotional infidelity to be more damaging than sexual infidelity. The reverse was true for men, where sexual infidelity was seen as more damaging than emotional infidelity. This finding illustrates perfectly the differences between male and female perceptions of sex and emotions.

5. Men Can Be More Sexually Promiscuous Than Women
If a guy has dated many women and is sexually promiscuous he is usually seen in a positive light. When a woman does the same thing, she is instantly labeled as a slut, whore, tramp, etc., which can be damaging to her reputation and self worth. What makes this particular double standard so powerful is that it is perpetuated by both men and women.

Men don’t have to suffer any of these harsh labels at all. If a man is sexually promiscuous, the worst thing he can be called is a player, which can even be taken as a compliment. There simply is no way a man can be ridiculed and shamed for being sexually promiscuous. Being sexually promiscuous comes with certain risks and isn’t always a smart thing to do, but it is a dating double standards that definitely benefits men.

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